January 11, 2023

50 popular computer software frameworks and common uses

There are many popular frameworks available for various programming languages and use cases. Here are 50 popular frameworks and their common uses:

  1. React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  2. Angular - A JavaScript framework for building web applications
  3. Vue - A JavaScript framework for building user interfaces
  4. AngularJS - A JavaScript framework for building dynamic web applications
  5. Spring - A Java framework for building enterprise applications
  6. Ruby on Rails - A web application framework for the Ruby programming language
  7. Express - A minimal web application framework for Node.js
  8. Laravel - A web application framework for the PHP programming language
  9. Django - A web application framework for the Python programming language
  10. Flask - A web application framework for the Python programming language
  11. ASP.NET - A web application framework for building web applications using C# and the .NET framework
  12. Meteor - A full-stack JavaScript framework for building real-time web applications
  13. RubyMotion - A framework for building iOS and Android apps with Ruby
  14. Ember - A JavaScript framework for building web applications
  15. NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications
  16. Sails.js - A web application framework for Node.js
  17. Sinatra - A lightweight web application framework for Ruby
  18. Yii - A web application framework for PHP
  19. Zend Framework - A web application framework for PHP
  20. CakePHP - A web application framework for PHP
  21. CodeIgniter - A web application framework for PHP
  22. FuelPHP - A web application framework for PHP
  23. Lumen - A web application framework for PHP
  24. Play - A web application framework for Scala and Java
  25. Phoenix - A web application framework for Elixir
  26. RubyMotion - A framework for building iOS and Android apps with Ruby
  27. Struts - A web application framework for Java
  28. Symfony - A web application framework for PHP
  29. Tornado - A web application framework for Python
  30. TurboGears - A web application framework for Python
  31. ExpressJS - A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework
  32. Flask-RESTful - A Flask extension for building REST APIs
  33. Hapi.js - A web application framework for Node.js
  34. Koa.js - A web application framework for Node.js
  35. Meteor - A full-stack JavaScript framework for building real-time web applications
  36. NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications
  37. Sails.js - A web application framework for Node.js
  38. NestJS - A web application framework for Node.js
  39. FastAPI - A web framework for building APIs with Python
  40. Flask-RESTful - A web framework for building APIs with Flask
  41. Flask-RESTful - A web framework for building APIs with Flask
  42. Hug - A Python framework for building APIs
  43. Pyramid - A web application framework for Python
  44. Sanic - An asynchronous web framework for Python
  45. Flask-RESTplus - A Flask extension for building REST APIs
  46. Flask-RESTx - An extension for Flask for building APIs with Flask
  47. Flask-RESTful - An extension for Flask for building REST APIs
  48. Flask-RESTful - An extension for Flask for building REST APIs
  49. Grails - A web application framework for the Groovy programming language
  50. A polyglot event-driven framework for building applications on the JVM



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